Saturday 20th october 2012 : 12.09 am in Saujana Impian.
My DH left for his weekend sanctuary 20min ago.

Bismillah ArRahmaan ArRaheem.

We made concerted efforts to live our lives, endure apa 2 penyakit yang kami sekeluarga tempuhi dengan mengguna penawar2 semula jadi . Dirumah kami , jangan harap dihidangi milo, nescafe, sirap, teh dan sebagainya..Whether you like it or not, you'll be served with a choice of infused herbs or real coffee from ground beans ( in Riyadh the coffee beans are not roasted like in any other parts of the world . And so we experimented on new teas then and agaiin all the time using fresh leaves/flowers/roots/stems of- hibiscus, lemon-grass , peppermint, jasmine, ginger, lemon, tumeric , sage, chamomile,fennel ,etc. ...we actually still do it today. It's safer, cheaper , tastier and healthier than Liptons or Boh-tea which is processed and contaminated with flavouring, preservarives,stabilizers.and tannin.

However, we were not 100 percent off junks.....till today , but we have managed to eliminate quite an impressive chunk of the toxins from our diet . I would like to mention three things thats found in every single household here - sugar ,seasonings and wheat..Dear readers , these are poisons literally . Ni lah musuh dalam selimut.,yang merupakan salah satu punca utama isu kesihatan masyarakat zaman sekarang termasuklah obesiti, diabetes, darah tinggi, bipolar, kemurungan, lupus..Masaalah kesihatan masa kini dah out of control dari segi bilangan orang2 yang sakit dan juga kemunculan macam2 jenis penyakit yang tak pernah dikenali dalam sejarah perubatan . Justeru macam2 drugs di godok untuk merawat . Merawat? Macam tak kene jerr perkataan merawat di kaitkan dengan drugs. Wahai pembaca2 blog ku, please understand , drugs bukan di reka untuk merawat . A drug is chemical substance..Saya tak suka nak bangga diri as far as drugs are concerned. Ada beberapa kala didalam hidup ini , saya amat bersyukur kepada Illahi dan amat berterima kasih kepada Perubatan Barat for  their drugs , inspite of the hatred I have always had against it, Subhaanallah.. Takkan ku lupa that moment in ICU, GHKL, end of 2011 when I first saw my Dear Daddy out of the operating theater ( for his AAA)..Seeing him writhing in great pain my impulsive reaction was just to plead the nurses to give him more morphin. " could you give more please ? maximum dose please ?". Sejak sekian lama we were advocating a life without drugs and there  I was going down on my knees begging for a most potent drug for a life so dear to me , and grateful for its existence . Ditto when Budy was loudly groaning in ER , HUKL after his first bike accident. All I had wished for him was the strongest drugs to relieve him off the torture of pain .

On the other hand , I feel there is a widespreading over-usage of drugs which is causing a massive threatening damage to the world at large, lest the conscious minority . People have been made to believe that there is no choice but bear the risks of taking drugs. It's easy to gamble with the lives of others when yours shares not one iota of that risk.  Apakah sebabnya kita mengambil ubat ?  Apakah hasilnya dari pengambilan ubat tersebut ? Jawapanya ialah untuk mengubati sesuatu penyakit , kita ambil Diabetes sebagai contoh disini. Semasa Ibu saya di-cek di klinik untuk Diabetes ,saya agak curious lantas menanaya doktor kenapa ada 3 jenis ubat untuk 1 penyakit ." Satu untuk penghasilan insulin , satu untuk trigger the penghasilan dan satu lagi untuk gastrik , kerana penganbulan yang dua tadi mungkin akan meimbulkan gastrik Hmmmm.....The irony is all three , kalau di ambil over a long period of time , akan merosakkan organ2 penapis kita iaitu ginjal dan hati. Dan tambah irony lagi , memang nak kene makan sepanjang hayat kalau tak nak bacaan gula dalam badan naik. So ok. Lets keep your sugar down at the expense of two of the major organs in your body ? Cuba renungkan dengan teliti , demi ibu kita , demi bapa kita, demi sedara kita , demi anak2 kita . rasa masuk tak akal. , 'Whichever way but loose ?'  ......bersambung esok insyallah.wassalaaualaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa barakatuh

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