# 4th component : STRESS
Assalaamualaikum ,
Talking about stress , a word unheard of during my school times ...........sekarang kat tepi bibir jer ( old and young alike ) . Pernah my friend related how suprised she was when her six-year old kata she was stressed up !!! Kids! pakai ikut jer what they picking from their surroundings , how common-place STRESS has turned out to be .
In the month of Ramadhan , a few years back my son who was 19 years old at that time suddenly could'nt breathe properly . He is not asthmatic , not having a fever nor colds or coughs . Active in sports - taekwondo , swimming , wall - climbing & a health-freak ( taking proper food ) , he got me panicking trying to reason out the possibilities .I tried some shiatsu tappings all over the back , shoulders and whatever nerve points that i could remember . Made him 8 sachets of CEO-COFFEE , followed by 8 capsules of Yung-Kien Lingzhi praying these will do some magic .In spite of not believing in doctors and hospitals , we decided to go to them . " Help him ! please do something ! please help my son !". Budy semed extremely uncomfortable . He was observed in ER . The tests proved he was perfectly healthy , hence they had nothing to administer . Mati akal , tak tau how else i could comfort him .I kept on giving him lingzhi powder in betwen small sips of water because he had trouble swallowing . Dia repeatedly mengucap As-Syahaadah and read verses from the Quran , with a tear rolling slowly down his cheek as he sat back-straight on the ER bed . These went on through the night , it all cleared off as the 1st Azan Fajr was heard . A huge relief overcame the night-long ordeal. .................diagnosis : Hyper-ventilation. - resulting from chronic stress .
Stress comes in different intensities . Kadang2 ia menyebabkan sakit2 belakang or sakit all over - kepala , pinggang , perut dan sebagainya . Bila seseorang mengalami stress oxygen-supply to the cells of the body jadi berkurangan . Dan bila bekalan oksijen tak cukup , sel2 akan jadi tak sihat dan toksin2 tak dapat disingkirkan . Hasilnya tercipta lah penyakit .
So, para2 pesakit yang nak cepat pulih harus lah avoid all forms of stress . Macamana nak buat ni ? Hidup kita di kelilingi oleh macam2 bentuk stress .It can be triggered off by anything at all , ranging from rumah bersepah , traffic jams , kekurangan duit , masaalah keluarga , kerje , politik.........hinggalah cancer , kematian dan seterusnya . The answer is : you don't try to run away from it because its impossible ,.Instead , try to face it , handle it and embrace it .This ,of course is achievable in many ways , including a healthy life-style ( balanced -diet , proper sleep , exercise ) .......and last but not least .zikrullah .
Quranic Ayat : - Is it not by the Rememberance of Allah , you find peace and tranquility of the heart
Talking about stress , a word unheard of during my school times ...........sekarang kat tepi bibir jer ( old and young alike ) . Pernah my friend related how suprised she was when her six-year old kata she was stressed up !!! Kids! pakai ikut jer what they picking from their surroundings , how common-place STRESS has turned out to be .
In the month of Ramadhan , a few years back my son who was 19 years old at that time suddenly could'nt breathe properly . He is not asthmatic , not having a fever nor colds or coughs . Active in sports - taekwondo , swimming , wall - climbing & a health-freak ( taking proper food ) , he got me panicking trying to reason out the possibilities .I tried some shiatsu tappings all over the back , shoulders and whatever nerve points that i could remember . Made him 8 sachets of CEO-COFFEE , followed by 8 capsules of Yung-Kien Lingzhi praying these will do some magic .In spite of not believing in doctors and hospitals , we decided to go to them . " Help him ! please do something ! please help my son !". Budy semed extremely uncomfortable . He was observed in ER . The tests proved he was perfectly healthy , hence they had nothing to administer . Mati akal , tak tau how else i could comfort him .I kept on giving him lingzhi powder in betwen small sips of water because he had trouble swallowing . Dia repeatedly mengucap As-Syahaadah and read verses from the Quran , with a tear rolling slowly down his cheek as he sat back-straight on the ER bed . These went on through the night , it all cleared off as the 1st Azan Fajr was heard . A huge relief overcame the night-long ordeal. .................diagnosis : Hyper-ventilation. - resulting from chronic stress .
Stress comes in different intensities . Kadang2 ia menyebabkan sakit2 belakang or sakit all over - kepala , pinggang , perut dan sebagainya . Bila seseorang mengalami stress oxygen-supply to the cells of the body jadi berkurangan . Dan bila bekalan oksijen tak cukup , sel2 akan jadi tak sihat dan toksin2 tak dapat disingkirkan . Hasilnya tercipta lah penyakit .
So, para2 pesakit yang nak cepat pulih harus lah avoid all forms of stress . Macamana nak buat ni ? Hidup kita di kelilingi oleh macam2 bentuk stress .It can be triggered off by anything at all , ranging from rumah bersepah , traffic jams , kekurangan duit , masaalah keluarga , kerje , politik.........hinggalah cancer , kematian dan seterusnya . The answer is : you don't try to run away from it because its impossible ,.Instead , try to face it , handle it and embrace it .This ,of course is achievable in many ways , including a healthy life-style ( balanced -diet , proper sleep , exercise ) .......and last but not least .zikrullah .
Quranic Ayat : - Is it not by the Rememberance of Allah , you find peace and tranquility of the heart
ps : I stumbled upon this comprehensive article on stress in Bahasa Malaysia while googling for something else .I like it a lot and hope you would peruse through it . Please click http://genta-rasa.com/2009/04/15/mencari-ketenangan-hati/

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