.........bersambung cerita immuniti .Alhamdulillah ibu-ibu & bapa-bapa dari Generasi Y are well-aware of the importance of mother's milk. Tapi kalau nak judge from their actions , tak nampak sangat yang generasi ni paham more than the last , tentang this amazing food that we and the rest of the mammals are blessed with . Before we begin the milky story , lets take a look at this ;
Dalam riwayat Thabarani dan ‘Ibnu Asakir ditambahkan, " Jika ia melahirkan , lalu ia mengeluarkan susu dari payudaranya dan dihisap oleh bayinya ,setiap hisapan dan teegukan mendapat satu pahala . Jika ia berjaga malam (kerana melayani bayinya) ,ia mendapatkan pahala seperti pahala orang memerdekakan 70 orang budak di jalan Allah .
So , to all mommies yang sedang kelesuan , keletihan bercekang mata kadang2 dek karenah the babies nak mintak dikendong , didodoi disusui dam macam2 lagi ragamnya ......think about the abundance of the reap from your harvest ,yang tak ternilai tu .
Susu awal or kepala susu or the first milk is not milky langsung . Ia pekat & melekit dan pengeluaran pun tak lumayan . Cecair yang tak sebegitu appetizing rupanya ni namanya 'kolostrum' . Ramai yang underestimate the wonder of this 1st dose ,which plays a most important role in the future of the baby's health- being . Ada pulak yang ingatkan that is not enough , so ditokok tokok pulak dengan susu tepung pasal takut baby kelaparan .Alamaakk !! sayangnya . Such a pure and power-filled life-giving liquid , perfect as it is .kita kacau . I have petik this extract from a medical journal on colostrum . Subhanallah In humans, the colostrum has high concentrations of nutrients and antibodies, but it is small in quantity. Colostrum is high in carbohydrates, high in protein, high in antibodies, and low in fat (as human newborns may find fat difficult to digest).
Dalam riwayat Thabarani dan ‘Ibnu Asakir ditambahkan, " Jika ia melahirkan , lalu ia mengeluarkan susu dari payudaranya dan dihisap oleh bayinya ,setiap hisapan dan teegukan mendapat satu pahala . Jika ia berjaga malam (kerana melayani bayinya) ,ia mendapatkan pahala seperti pahala orang memerdekakan 70 orang budak di jalan Allah .
So , to all mommies yang sedang kelesuan , keletihan bercekang mata kadang2 dek karenah the babies nak mintak dikendong , didodoi disusui dam macam2 lagi ragamnya ......think about the abundance of the reap from your harvest ,yang tak ternilai tu .
Susu awal or kepala susu or the first milk is not milky langsung . Ia pekat & melekit dan pengeluaran pun tak lumayan . Cecair yang tak sebegitu appetizing rupanya ni namanya 'kolostrum' . Ramai yang underestimate the wonder of this 1st dose ,which plays a most important role in the future of the baby's health- being . Ada pulak yang ingatkan that is not enough , so ditokok tokok pulak dengan susu tepung pasal takut baby kelaparan .Alamaakk !! sayangnya . Such a pure and power-filled life-giving liquid , perfect as it is .kita kacau . I have petik this extract from a medical journal on colostrum . Subhanallah In humans, the colostrum has high concentrations of nutrients and antibodies, but it is small in quantity. Colostrum is high in carbohydrates, high in protein, high in antibodies, and low in fat (as human newborns may find fat difficult to digest).
Newborns have very small digestive systems, and colostrum delivers its nutrients in a very concentrated low-volume form.
It has a mild laxative effect, encouraging the passing of the baby's first stool, which is called meconium.
This clears excess bilirubin, a waste product of dead red blood cells which is produced in large quantities at birth due to blood volume reduction, from the infant's body and helps prevent jaundice. Colostrum contains large numbers of antibodies called "secretory immunoglobulin" (IgA) that help protect the mucous membranes in the throat, lungs, and intestines of the infant.
Leukocytes are also present in large numbers; these begin protecting the infant from harmful viruses and bacteria.
Ingesting colostrum establishes beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract. Premature babies tend to fare better on human colostrum than commercial infant formulas.
Human milk contains special components, called growth modulators, that help the premature baby's digestive system adjust to oral feedings.
Research indicates that premature babies fed formula tend to vomit more and continue tube feeding longer than those fed human colostrum and breast milk.
Perasan tak its role with respect to the early welfare of the human guts . Masyallah , do you know that our guts is our 'second brain ' .insyallah we'll go into this in one of my future blogs . Also , do you know that our immune system also begins in our guts . The sucking action of the baby triggers more colostrum and later , milk production . When mommy/daddy decides to 'assist' via a bottle feed ,baby's suction reflexes will be in passive mode due to the easy-flow .This will also affect the rate of breast milk supply when baby breast-feeds again , which eventually becomes less and less . The keyword here is SUPPLY & DEMAND.
CONCLUSION : Dari mula2 lagi bila seorang manusia dilahirkan ,di saat2 SISTEM IMMUN -nya baru nak terbebtuk dengan cantik ( jika patuh manual - bagi dates , isap colostrum yang fully-packed with enough bekalan to ward off the diseases and viruses and bacteria yang akan di tempuhi in his whole life, tanpa intervention , isap susu ibu yang penuh dengan antibodi dan nutrien) ,...kita juga lah yang spoil the whole thing ! that the right thing to do ???
ps ; please click here for more information on benefits of the mother's milk.
Bismillah , jom kita lihat what are the foods yang boleh menambahkan bekalan susu ibu . Zaman2 dulu when I had my 1st baby , orang tua2 recommended bubur kacang . In actuality the mung beans for this purpose can be taken in the form of sprouts or 'taugeh' too .My Egyptian & Saudi friends beriya2 benar coaxing me to take fenugreek when i had my 2nd girl. In fact , tu jer yang diorang consume as their confinement herb. Little did i knew that this wonderful herb is mentioned in the hadith for its excellence .
Another food renowned for its milk-production enhancing functions is soya beans . Soya has been gmo-ed into a monster off late . By all means take it organic/ non- gmo in the form of drinks or fermented as in tempe..
The common factor in all three foods above is diosgene -, a plant-based estrogen, and studies have shown that diosgenin helps increase milk flow in lactating women and supports breast milk production.
ps ; please click here for more information on benefits of the mother's milk.
Bismillah , jom kita lihat what are the foods yang boleh menambahkan bekalan susu ibu . Zaman2 dulu when I had my 1st baby , orang tua2 recommended bubur kacang . In actuality the mung beans for this purpose can be taken in the form of sprouts or 'taugeh' too .My Egyptian & Saudi friends beriya2 benar coaxing me to take fenugreek when i had my 2nd girl. In fact , tu jer yang diorang consume as their confinement herb. Little did i knew that this wonderful herb is mentioned in the hadith for its excellence .
{It is reported the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) once said: "If my people knew what there is in fenugreek, they would have bought and paid its weight in gold." Fenugreek is hot and dry. As a tea it aids menstrual flow and is useful in colic and as a cleansing enema. Fenugreek strengthens the heart.}
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soya-beans |
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mung beans |
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fenugreek ( halba ) |
Another food renowned for its milk-production enhancing functions is soya beans . Soya has been gmo-ed into a monster off late . By all means take it organic/ non- gmo in the form of drinks or fermented as in tempe..
The common factor in all three foods above is diosgene -, a plant-based estrogen, and studies have shown that diosgenin helps increase milk flow in lactating women and supports breast milk production.
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