Super-simple carrot soup/modified pumpkin recipe)
Bismillah.The following is derived from Julie Clancy's Stonesoup recipes for pregnant ladies)
Pumpkin soup. Such a wonderful comforting treat. Smooth and slightly sweet, with its warming sunny colour it’s one of those soups that can’t help but lift your spirits as the days draw short and dark.
The only problem is the pumpkin preparation. In particular hacking through that tough, tough skin. I have a really vivid memory from when I was little of my mother struggling to cut through a giant pumpkin. I remember thinking that this cooking thing sure looked like a lot of work. And when there’s pumpkin to prepare, I still hold that opinion.
So I can’t tell you how excited I was the other day when I sat down to a simple lunch of carrot soup only to be greeted with a steaming bowl of sunshine and sweetness with just the right amount of savouriness to balance it out. We’re talking a soup just as good as my beloved pumpkin but without the work.
To be honest I didn’t have very high hopes for this soup before I tasted it. I’d picked up a bunch of baby carrots with the intention of using them for something where they would be the star of the show. Flicking through St Nigel’s vegetable bible, there wasn’t a heap of options jumping out until I spied his carrot soup. It met the criteria for being vegetarian and showcasing my carrots. It would do.
We’re talking a soup that far exceeds expectations. And is super simple to prepare – I’d much rather make light work of chopping through scrubbed baby carrots than hacking into a pumpkin. So when you’re in the mood for some mood enhancing pumpkin soup, why not try out my baby carrot instead?
Carrot soup :
[5 ingredients]
baby carrot soup
serves 3-4
If you can’t get your hands on baby carrots, regular carrots will be fine. You need about 450g or 1lb carrots.
If you prefer a creamy accompaniment to your pumpkin soup, you’ll probably enjoy a little splodge of sour cream or pouring cream in this soup but to be honest it’s lovely without. I like mine with some organic yogurt.
2 brown onions, diced
1 bunch baby carrots, scrubbed, trimmed & chopped
2 tomatoes
cillantro whole plant {chopped finely for garnishing)
JiaHor mushroom-seasoning
Heat 4T butter/coconut oil. (the goodness of olive oil is rendered null when heated for your information) in a large saucepan and cook onion over a medium heat until soft and just starting to brown. Add carrots, tomato, chilli and 3C water and bring to the boil.And you are done.
Serve it garnished with cilantro or chinese parsley .Eat it with your favourite bread . I love focacia or buttered/toasted german country wholemeal...mmm...yummylecious.
Simmer until carrots are tender, approx 20 minutes.
Process until smooth with a stick blender or food processor. Add seasoning and taste. Season with salt, pepper if needed.
ps: the soup can be frozen up till 3 months. Enjoy!

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