TESTIMONY : MY MOM's transformative life-style

Rakan2ku yang dikasihi, that's my Mom. I took her to Kajang Hospital last Friday ( 15th. March.2013) . It's just the usual blood-pressure, sugar-level, cholesterol follow-up check which she has been abiding by for a reasonably long time. She is on medication for all three disorders . Although I personally would prefer her to go without drugs ,I don't believe in imposing my principles on others .The best t would do is talk about it everytime I meet her - the dangers & side-effects of western medications.
My mom follows the rules as far as diet is concerned quite well - reduced frying, minimal salt & sugar intake. She takes brown rice, wholemeal bread , cooks in olive-oil & so on & so forth.
Back to the medical check-up , the results were shockingly beyond accepted level. BP- 170 . sugar - 22 , cholesterol -6.7. For the third time in her life, she was presribed with insulin injection on top of the usual medications .To that I gently refused and promised to bring my mom for another check-up two weeks later with the hope of bringing all readings down to a heaalthy level before we get it checked it again on the appointed date.
IN THE MEANTIME she is on a 100% 'transformation' life-style.
I pray this works. Insya Allah.
1. Sleep :
One of the few areas (yet importamt) that she has overlooked falls under this category .She now sleeps at 9.30pm-10.00 pm as urged .I stress on this because our cells undergo repair-works during this sleeping time .Unfortunately many of us , including my parents are normally watching T.V then. If only we knew what goes on when we are sleeping. Click.
2.Exercise :
She dilligently does a twice-a-day 40-minute physio-theraphy regime . Ah exercise is such an important ingredient to healing .

3. What she takes daily
- Lots of water, Apple Cider Vinegar, Olive oil, Virgin coconut oil, Black seed, JiaHor High-Fibre, CEO-ganoderma coffee .Ganoderma Lucidum tablets .Ginger tea & tumeric juice & okra tea..
okra |
ginger |
| ||||
tumeric |
”And a tree that grows on mount Saini which provides oil – and enjoyment for those who eat it”
habbatussauda |
Be story by Aisyah R.A, she hear Rasulullah S.A.W said:
Book 23, Number 5093:
Jabir b. ‘Abdullah
reported that Allah’s Apostle (may peace be upon him) asked his family
for condiment. They (the members of his household) said: We have nothing
with us but vinegar. He asked for it, he began to eat it, and then
said: Vinegar is a good condiment, vinegar is a good condiment.
The great Hadith master (hafidh), Imam Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani (Allah have mercy on him) gives two interpretations for the Messenger of Allah’s (Allah bless him & give him peace) statement “Mushroom is from the al-Mann” in his monumental Fath al-Bari:
1) It refers to the al-Mann and Salwa that was sent down on the
people of Sayyiduna Musa (peace be upon him) Banu Isra’il as a bounty
from Allah Most High.
2) al-Mann is from the root word imtinan, which means blessings,
favour and graciousness, meaning mushroom is a gift from Allah Most
High, in that it grows after rain without having to do any farming.
(See: Fath al-Bari, 10/202)
Her meals : a piece and half of whole-grain bread for breakfast . Brown rice. No frying or 'tumis2' like before for the rest of her meals. All are boiled. or raw - tomyam, soups, kerabus, . She has still yet to try another breakfast suggestion of mine. I got this from Dr.Oz. Believe me it's not like what you would imagine. My Mom is not convinced about trying this one.Haha ." It's good for controlling your cholesterol level ", says him. I take it.Its ok. Try it...Take your toast with olive oil on it.
olive oil instead of butter |
Follow-up : We have yet to know the cholesterol & sugar readings when we see the doctor in 5 days time. However, Alhamdulillah she definitely feels better generally ( including bowel habits) and her blood-pressure was 119 two days ago and 120 today! Her lowest ever .Alhamdulillah. This is evidently possible due to an integrated approach in addressing the problems.Alhamduliah. I am sure, with her strong-willed discipline determination to recover insya Allah's she can recover her original state of health.
hp-120 sugar -10.7. She got this done in a pharmacy
My Mom woke up with what she termed as a' hi-blood headache' . She blamed this on the late night yesterday..I believe she knows what she was talking about. We agreed to go for the check-up at 2.45pm. She went on a fast for 2 hours prior to the time & was nervous .For breakfast I served
- a glass of plain water
- a mug of JiaHor isolated High-Protein
- a glass of Apple Cider Vinegar solution( a tsp of ACV in water)
- 2 pieces of toasted wholegrain bread + chicken soup
- a cup of CEO- ganoderma coffee
The headache lingered on till mid-morning. This was disturbing her peace of mind for fear of the anticipated hi-blood reading . She asked for a lime beverage ( a whole lime squeezed in a cup of water),apparently this works for such headaches with her. Anyway it didn't this time.She tried to get rid off it by napping.That was futile too.The anxiety about the check-up was the main trigger of this hypertension symptom more than anything else, IMHO. She asked so many 'what-if questions'during our drive to the hospital.
# 'What if the hi-blood is too high ?" .She was afraid to be warded .I reassured /promised that I won't let them get her admitted.
#'What if her sugar-level is going to be too high ?" because we were given this 2-week ultimatum to bring it down to a decent level from 22 .Or else, they would have to proceed with the daily-insulin shot prescription.
The result : sugar - 5.4!! ,bp -140 !!..Alhamdulillah.. ! Yay ! we did it..Next target _ bp -130/80 .InsyaAllah that should be easy.
Ps: Dear Health-lovers ,my Mom have had all these for many years .She had an early-stroke warning sign seventeen years ago. The degenerative diseases are part of her for so long,which are deemed incurable by some. Evidently tamed by simple but disciplined integrated strategies - sleep , diet , natural remedies , exercise (physical & spiritual )*
* And declare (O Muhammad) that [the Quran] is a guidance and healing for the believers. (al-Fussilat, 41:44)
- Sadaqah repels disasters and illnesses. Prophet (Salllahu alihu sallam) said : “Heal your sick with Sadaqah”
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yakhruju min butooniha sharaabun mukhtalifun alwaanuhu feehi shifaun lin-naas
So many prayers for your mom. May all healing come to her.
BalasPadamHow wonderful you are a daughter to her!
thank you for your good wishes.
PadamThank you Misty. That is the reason - prevention is better than cure. I will check the Herbal Incence shortly.Thanks for sharing.
BalasPadamCongratulations Nina!
BalasPadamMaybe you can post another update, after all those months?