Assalaamualaikum rakan-rakan yang dikasihi,
Baru sedar bahawa bulan puasa is only fifty-six days away from now .Rasa tak sabar nak tunggu kehadiranya bulan yang mulia ni kan.....childhood memories fill up our minds...especially especially the 'iftaar'(breaiking the fast) time! The time to gobble up every piece of morsel that was laid out on the dining table .....the climax of the day. Malangnya traditionally meja tersebut sememangnya dipenuhi dengan segala jenis juiadah ,lauk-pauk, segala warna air dll -be it from mom's kitchen or from the neighbours or from the 'pasar Ramadhan'. Habis berbuka , perut masing2 dah kenyang kebotong .Sementara nak tunggu Terawih sempat lagi grab here & there.Ishhhh! tempolok overzealous during the month. ....what quality was the resulting Terawih....a very sluggish one .Having repeated this daily for twenty-nine days ,ie menyendat2kan perut after a seven-hour void (absolute abstenence from food +water),the accumulative effect is damaging!!!
SAYANGNYA, the real purpose of the fasting month is very much on the contrary.The mere act of fasting itself is an excellent detoxifying process and healing process. Malah, andaikata kita mampu patuh kepada tatacara berpuasa dengan betul, kebanyakkan isu kesihatan should have been resolved by Hari Raya. Baru betul kita celebrate Eid-ul-fitri .('eid' dalam bahasa arab means celebrate) - sempena berjaya achieve good health, radiant skin ,lebih-lebih lagi pulih dari sakit.
Baru sedar bahawa bulan puasa is only fifty-six days away from now .Rasa tak sabar nak tunggu kehadiranya bulan yang mulia ni kan.....childhood memories fill up our minds...especially especially the 'iftaar'(breaiking the fast) time! The time to gobble up every piece of morsel that was laid out on the dining table .....the climax of the day. Malangnya traditionally meja tersebut sememangnya dipenuhi dengan segala jenis juiadah ,lauk-pauk, segala warna air dll -be it from mom's kitchen or from the neighbours or from the 'pasar Ramadhan'. Habis berbuka , perut masing2 dah kenyang kebotong .Sementara nak tunggu Terawih sempat lagi grab here & there.Ishhhh! tempolok overzealous during the month. ....what quality was the resulting Terawih....a very sluggish one .Having repeated this daily for twenty-nine days ,ie menyendat2kan perut after a seven-hour void (absolute abstenence from food +water),the accumulative effect is damaging!!!
SAYANGNYA, the real purpose of the fasting month is very much on the contrary.The mere act of fasting itself is an excellent detoxifying process and healing process. Malah, andaikata kita mampu patuh kepada tatacara berpuasa dengan betul, kebanyakkan isu kesihatan should have been resolved by Hari Raya. Baru betul kita celebrate Eid-ul-fitri .('eid' dalam bahasa arab means celebrate) - sempena berjaya achieve good health, radiant skin ,lebih-lebih lagi pulih dari sakit.
petikkan dari http://drbenkim.com/fasting.html
Fasting is a powerful therapeutic process that can help people recover from mild to severe health conditions. Some of the most common ones are high blood pressure, asthma, allergies, chronic headaches, inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease), irritable bowel syndrome, adult onset diabetes, heart disease, degenerative arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, eczema, acne, uterine fibroids, benign tumours, and systemic lupus erythematosus.
Fasting provides a period of concentrated physiological rest during which time the body can devote its self-healing mechanisms to repairing and strengthening damaged organs. The process of fasting also allows the body to cleanse cells of accumulated toxins and waste products.
Fasting gives the digestive tract time to completely rest and strengthen its mucosal lining. A healthy intestinal mucosal lining is necessary for preventing the leakage of incompletely digested proteins into the bloodstream, thereby offering protection against autoimmune conditions. A healthy digestive tract also helps to protect the blood and inner organs against a variety of environmental and metabolic toxins.A fast that is appropriate for your situation will allow for you to experience some or all of the following:
- More energy
- Healthier skin
- Healthier teeth and gums
- Better quality sleep
- A clean and healthy cardiovascular system
- A decrease in anxiety and tension
- Dramatic reduction or complete elimination of aches and pains in muscles and joints
- Decrease or elimination of headaches
- Stabilization of blood pressure
- Stronger and more efficient digestion
- Stabilization of bowel movements
- Loss of excess weight
- Elimination of stored toxins
- Improvement with a wide variety of chronic degenerative health conditions, including autoimmune disorders
So apa kita nak buat Ramadhan kali ni?
Yang dah lepas tak akan kembali ,jom kita make a change for the coming one perhaps?Yang penting kita plan in advanced untuk mengelakkan rambang mata bila berbuka...Since perut dah tidur lama.kita kene isi dengan kaedah berperingkat . First and foremost , buka dengan memakan kurma or air...
كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يفطر على رطبات قبل أن يصلي فإن
لم تكن رطبات فعلى تمرات فإن لم تكن حسا حسوات من ماء
: Rasulullah s.a.w berbuka dengan kurma basah (rutab) sebelum solat dan
sekiranya tiada rotab, maka tamar dan jika tiada, baginda meminum
beberapa teguk air" ( Riwayat Abu Daud, Ahmad & At-Tirmidzi)
Then after eating very lightly .let it sink in while menunaikan solat maghrib .Continue after that ,tak payah berebut2 and tak payah lah nak makan sampai kekenyangan.
Of course what you feed your body with matters.Otherwise, our fasting effort is null & void if not a debacle. Let's try to eat more food than 'food-look-alikes' this time .....natural, pure, organic, whole and boiled, steamed or raw......towards GOOD HEALTH.
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