Harini Jumaat 6/28/2013. 6.01am
mmmm...that means Wafaa'/Salma(whichever it would be) was born three and a half days ago. Syukur alhamdulillah all doa dimakbulkan after what seemed like a long wait .I was made to understand that the princesse's ETA ...hihi..was two weeks ago...then she was scheduled for an induced labour....alhamdulillah we escaped that;thanks for supports from The Gentle Birthing Group & long lectures from+sumymalik .Now that diorang dah masuk tiga harri dirumah it's up to nenek to share some nenekly confinement pantangs...I am just sharing what i selectively prepare for my girls ,some of which might not be according to the tradition's.
Today's menu under construction ...sorry i am not good at planning. Got to sign off to see my princess...byeee!
Harini Jumaat 6/28/2013. 6.01am
mmmm...that means Wafaa'/Salma(whichever it would be) was born three and a half days ago. Syukur alhamdulillah all doa dimakbulkan after what seemed like a long wait .I was made to understand that the princesse's ETA ...hihi..was two weeks ago...then she was scheduled for an induced labour....alhamdulillah we escaped that;thanks for supports from The Gentle Birthing Group & long lectures from+sumymalik .Now that diorang dah masuk tiga harri dirumah it's up to nenek to share some nenekly confinement pantangs...I am just sharing what i selectively prepare for my girls ,some of which might not be according to the tradition's.
- Yesterday morning, sementara menunggu +khadijah malik di urut I prepared her favourite topping ,which I learned from a Chinese friend many years ago. You can find it in the following link. please click.
- Sup Ayam - khas to expedite recovery i used tons of gimger, black pepper tumbuk (preferable to readily powdered ones). Bila kene tumbuk dalam lesung ,lagi sedap,lagi wangi, lagi berkhasiat ....lagi Halia pun better di pecah2kan instead of sliced...lagi bermaana..Yang out of the norm, I used JiaHor seasoning ( nothing like msg0 - comprising of Shitake, Gaponicum & +Ganoderma Lucidum Click here for Jiahor-seasoning
- Air Halia - halia + air + madu
- Habbatusaudaa { the black seed}-
Hadis 1.
Diriwayatkan dari Aisyah ra, beliau mendengar Rasulullah saw bersabda:
“Sesungguhnya Al-Habbatus Sauda’ boleh menyembuh segala penyakit kecuali Al-Sam”. Aku bertanya. “Apakah Al-Sam itu? Baginda menjawab, “Al-Sam itu ialah maut”
Riwayat Imam Bukhari.
Hadis 2
Daripada Buraidah katanya, Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda:
“Pada Habbatus Sauda’ terdapat ubat segala penyakit kecuali mati”.
Riwayat Abu Nu’aim dalam kitab Al-Tibb dalam himpunan hadith-hadith sahih no. 1819.
Hadis 3
Daripada Abu Hurairah, beliau pernah mendengar Rasulullah saw bersabda:
“Pada Habbatus Sauda’ terdapat ubat bagi segala jenis penyakit kecuali Al-Sam yakni maut”.
Riwayat Bukhari (10:118-119) ; Muslim (7:25) ; Ibnu Majah (2:342) ; Tarmizi (2:3 pada edisi BulaQ) ; dan Ahmad (2:241) menerusi riwayat Sufyan bin ‘Uyainah daripada Al-Zuhri dan Abu Salamah.
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