Jumaat 15hb.Mei 2015    8.34am

I met a sweet young mom of three kids ( the eldest was 11), with stage 4 breast cancer . Her house was very tidy and oh so sweet- smelling .....................ahhhh patchoully.   She was always dressed in ironed cotton tops and when she offered us a meal it was always a healthy one .....boiled cauliflowers , brocollis and okras always healthy . Simple , healthy and nice dishes ......except for the keropoks ( a ah ekk misti ada keropok all the time ....emmm baru perasan ) . Her toilet is ever so spic-and-span ...varieties of disinfectants and toilet cleansing poisons (something yang orang dah silap anggap about what cleanliness truly is ) .
Admittedly I was taken aback when she showed me 'the breast' .  Never in my life have i ever seen anything like that ....macam besi.....hitam ...keras dan berkilat .

Selesai buat OPP , dibantu oleh my upline we left the house with the advice for her to consume at least 30 capsules of Yungkien Ganoderma per day, which I managed to get 3 bottles for her despite of the long Chinese New Year holiday . Her ever-so-obliging husband requested that we deliver immediately having witnessed his wife's hopeful eagerness in our products . 

Krisis Penyembuhan ( Healing Crisis / vertigo reactions )

That very night , on my way home  I received a call from her , suara yang anxious . Apparently her husband was angry due to the intense pain inflicted by the 1st consumption .  '' Kalau semakin memudharatkan baik tak payah makan !"   [ Ps : kalau boleh cuba to mintak family members to attend semasa presentation dibuat so that dorang paham and support bila berlaku vertigo reactions / healing crisis ]. Anyway she and her husband masa tu decided to start on a real low dose of the lingzhi instead of the 30capsules/day as recommended . This is common ....people takut nak makan banyak sebab dah biasa dengan konsep taking western meds , bahaya kalau overdose . Walhal lingzhi is a pure natural food seangkatan dengan nasi , sayur dan buah there's no harm in taking banyak . Malah dengan badan yang overloaded dengan toksin , kalau tak cukup dose nanti tak longkah sampahnya . Okay I managed to convince her to do the 30 capsule programme on the condition that I would be present on her 1st trial . I was with her , sambil tolong she bukak kapsul ....beberapa biji sekali telan with water . Masa tu tak tahu yang kulit kapsul tu bagus untuk sendi , terbazirlah jawabnya . 

Dan dan masa tu jugak as she was continously popping the serbuk lingzhi , hidung mula tersumbat one nostril at a time .....subhanallah sungguh hebat barangan kita ni . She indicated with her finger pointing to the nostril yang tengah sumbat ....then she tunjuk pulak the other as it tukar tempat ....she was excited , and saya kagum ....haha, memang hingga sekarang ada je pengalaman yg menakjubkan semasa menjaja herba ini .  Malam tu she called dengan nada tenang , " Kak , saya nak ucapkan terima kasih banyak ....tonight ialah malam yang paling bahagia in four years . Barulah tahu rupanya selama 4 tahun yang lalu sejak she mula dapat the cancer she tak pernah tidur berbaring . She kene tidur upright ( belakang kene menegak ,propped up dengan bantal 2)...Semoga Allah hadiahkanya dengan taman terindah di Jannah. aameen. Dalam pada tu she telah naikkan the dosage to a bottle a day of the Yungkien Ganoderma , she buat keputusan sendiri on this dosage . Apparently bila makan sebotol , rasa sakit jadi berkurangan banyak .  She maintain at that level sekejap ....then she kept on increasing ( mengejar dos yg ngam to match her increasing extremely torturing pains )  sehingga she was taking *4 bottles per day , all at her own accord .  [* ps : Sungguhpun tertera dosage yang tepat dan tak berapa nak banyak pada kotak/ botol , sebenarnya there is no limit to the dose ] . Ni semua berlaku selama sebulan. Namun demikian breast saiz dan rupa-bentuk & warna tidak berubah2 . Najis pun tak berubah.....sama sejak mula2 berjumpa , besar panjang , kuning lagi timbul ( aneh kan she is memang berpenyakit teruk namun najisnya najis yang ideal ) . She teruskan her journey atas satu sebab yang begitu penting bagi dirinya , iaitu cancernya dah jadi tak terasa sakitnya yang amat macam sebelum2 tu . Maknnaya she bertahan sebab she dah jumpa a pain-kiler akhirnya . 

Terasa lama menunggu najis hitam .....sebulan . Terasa lama sebab duit spent dah berbelas ribu . Anyway sebulan kemudian she called excited sangat2 suruh datang immediately....... I went, she ajak masuk toilet...mak dia sikitlah punya marah masa tu...she nak tunjuk her discharge...Poopoo tak tunjuk tapi dia kata sama colour ngan discharg tu....dan all this time yg kita tunggu2 dah sampai. The black, sticky lendir keluar depan dan belakang
Gembiranya kita masa tu...berpeluk nangis kegembiraan !
 Jangan tanya how much she dah spend that 1st month . So next was the journey down
 She has a very nice smelling house all the time favourite smell , patchoully...dalam bahasa melayu bunga apa ntah..lupa
On the following day i datang, dari luar dah bau busuk semacam , bau sampah pun ada , bau bangkai pun ada. It took us ( me , her and the maid ) to figure out dari mana datang bau yg tak enak tu . The maid bersumpah dia nak buang semua sampah . Rupanya her tumour dah start leaking out...and subhanallah her breast yg selama2 ni hitam berkat and keras macam besi, dah soften and slowly change to normal . Smell coming from the tumour bocor . Beberapa minggu yang berikutnya , she improved drastically . FINALLY , ALHAMDULILLAH .


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