2hb Ramadhan 1439H


Bismillah .
Mode : menanti asr .

Harini nak cakap pasal pentingnya mengunyah didalam kesihatan tubuh badan kita. 

Teringat masa arwah Mak was spending her last few months in Hospital Kluang . My second youngest brother, Iz was residing abroad and we would update him regularly on skype regarding Mak's health . Arwah Mak has always been a neat person all her life , she even maintained her tidiness and everything else even when she was so ill in hospital back then. Before the doctors-on-duty datang for their daily rounds misti Mak make sure Nora dah cleaned her and changed into new clothes and combed her hair . Satu je yang dia tak dapat nak follow through ialah terus pakai her dentures , it must have been hospital procedures though ,to them off . So on one of her skype videos that we showed, Iz tetiba exclaimed mana dentures Mak !  ps : [ Iz is doctor specialising in maxillofacial stuff] . Terkejut jugak ......dalam hati pikir apalah sangat the cosmetics when she was so very ill , no doubt it would matter a lot to her , it always did . On that day barulah tau yang sepalsu2 dentures ia memainkan peranaan rupanya , Apparently , wearing dentures help with chewing . And without teeth ( albeit fake) a person would eventually suffer from indigestion due to the partially-chewed food . Having said that , indigestion can lead to a myriad of diseases - gastritis . GERD , leaky gut , collitis and consequently diabetes , hypertension etc .  So let's not take chewing for granted . Click here for more information on chewing .


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