ABAH'S drugless nights

Jumaat 12 /10 /18

3 safar 1440 H

12.35am .

Selalunya by this time I dah tidur . Well ni pun tadi dah tidur at my melatonin time . Cumanya dikejut oleh my hubby sebab our front garden pulak collapsed malam ni ......

Abah is deep in his sleep , oblivous to the commotion we made . Good for him , alhamdulillah . His bed is in the living room , mind you ....and that's where the activities are happening . Ohh ....nikmatnya tidur , sesuatu yang taken for granted by many . Abah tak tidur sepanjang malam uninterrupted like many of us . Dia bangun every hour to relieve himself . Yes.  So he doesn't get to rest like he should . In addition to this he would groan aloud now and then sebab perutnya 'gastrik' katanya . When this happens he would grab any food on the table to ease the pain , after that he will take coconut water first . If that doesn't work he resorts to magnesium trisilicate followed by ranitidine . Itulah his routine every night . As much as i hate to see him do this i try not to force him do otherwise .

Anyway nak cerita ni for the past two nights he tak makan the two gastric medications mentioned above . And he actually didn't use his inhaler too . Ada connection ? .....the gastric  , the emphysema and the cramps which all happen usually at night ?


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