26 Disember 2018

Bismillah .

Nak cerita pasal my 83-year old father .  Abah  has been staying with me for the past 7 months or so . maknanya he memang really rasa tak well lah tu . Otherwise memang tak akanlah nak duduk more than even a day  ! 😱 .  Initially we worked together on a NO-DRUG healing programme ....ermm well bukanlah a rigid regimented schedule pun ..... My intention was to do away with ALL the hospital medications he was on , which he doesn't classify them as "UBAT' ,  like the ubat-ubat taken daily by his peers . In other words he reserves a few on his on-going standby list , for instant the 'ubat gastrik cair' , ' ubat gastrik pil' and 'ubat kahak'  and of course the 'ubat sedut'  , these are the ones that he insisted taking whatever it takes . In fact I would have to drive into the klinik kesihatan on the outskirts everytime he runs out of supply . Not that I agree with this , it's just a matter of obeying instead of fighting . 😔 .

Having said this the result is bolehlah dikatakan okay...... alhamdulillah bertahan , tapi sometimes his system gave in ,  So dalam tempuh 7 bulan yang lalu ni ada kalanya he was feeling better than other days and ada kalanya he was struggling to just remain comfortable . For a person of his age  he is much better than his peers ......relatively 'cergas' , 'gagah' , 'active' , 'segar'  .....( inilah antara komen2 onlookers about him . However he himself does not claim that he is healthy.   Semoga di beri kesabaran untuknya selalu . Aminn. 

Along the way we went to the Klinik Kesihatan about three times .....either to restock his 'ubat gastrik' [magnesium trisiclate , ranitidine ] or sometimes 'ubat sesak nafas'  [ inhalers] , these two symptoms seem to be ongoing ....sesak nafas  and the so-called gastrik . Also we had to rush to ER hospital Kajang several times ( even warded)  , ER hospital shah alam , hospital PPUM and hospital pakar serdang depending on whose ( my siblings are all over selangor ) , house he was at when he got his panick attack.

Abah has been so blessed , one of his children has willingly sponsored his Shuanghor products . This is the second time in his life , being offered the privilege of an overhaul major detox . MasyaAllah .

Essentially we have had him on yungkien ganoderma ( 5caps - 20caps ) per day ,  pollen , lactoberry , CEO-coffee and at times also Jiahor Soya Protein & Vitaking  , these last two products he loathes . 😝.  I guess it is only fair to mention that abah bukan ikut jerrr apa yang saya suggest . So bila2 he buat keputusan to makan jugak the Ranitidine , magnesium tricyclate he would do that ikut sukahati dia and in fact he makes sure that the stock for these two items are ever-ready ,,,oh yes also ubat kahak ( bromhexine ).....he argued that he would otherwise dies choking on his kahak , which the doctors always denies the presence of any . Okay that's my dad , he has his own version of his body health-condition irrespective of what the doctors had to say based on clinical checks .

And when he decides to go to ER, off we rush . Or when he decides to stock-up his supplies pun kene jugak pegi tak kira hujan atau ribut . ( just kidding ) .

It has been a roller-coaster ride till finally last week everything jadi sempurna overnight ,  macam magic ! You have to try this ......Bukak 3 capsule yk2 dan campurkan dalam CEO-coffee , which bapak saya marah2 bila minum sebab teramat pahit . He kata the last time he consumed anything as pahit , was masa ' time jepun' dulu ......that was well more than 50 years ago abah ! seriously ??? 
Then take the " SET PERUT" concoction of  lactoberry + protein + vitaking + fibre . Amazing !Yang paling obvious is that he tak menggelabar panic cari food every now and then like he usually used to do . Apparently every four hours ' his stomach acids will be scrounging around for food in the stomach , failing that would make him suffer to the max '  ........as a result there will always be food on my table 24/7  , yes the 4-hourly food cycle is ongoing day and night .  After the new packaging of shuanghor products above , he is free from the fear of  ' gastric-acid' bouts  . Now dah tak payah make sure that food is always on the table . Bukan semata2 tak nak bagi dia makan , rather prefer he tak paksadiri makan continuously ,the so-called 4 hourly basis  for fear of the gastric juice   , which in itself is an unhealthy habit when practised through the sleeping hours........

.Alhamdulillah for the magical change.



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