Rabu 29/4/ 20
6 Ramadhan 1441 H
Alhamdulillah , three months after I was introduced to Lingzhi my mom was the blessed soul to be the first in our family to get the taste of it .....the pre-stroke was a blessing im disguise , the doorway that was to open into a new arena to the major part of my life till today , 25 years later.
She was so happy when the parcel reached her , the Jiahor Twinpack . She couldn't wait . She called to inform that she was going to start off immediately ...6 capsules of the Jiahor Lingzhi and 12 capsules of the pollen . That was my first experience ever , with the product . She was the first to taste .That was fine with me ,I had no doubts whatseoever . Somehow I had faith in it.
The very next morning , very early too I got a call . Lepas she took the capsules malam tu she tak boleh tidur , demam temperture panas dan badan rasa sejuk menggigil . She called it demam malam .and it took place for three nights in a row .She persisted without telling me , knowing what was happening .......Pada hari yang ke 4 .Mak kata pinggang dia sakit sangat sangat . Ahhh so ....good good Mak . Orang yang jual tu dah kata nanti ada tindakbalas , the vertigo reactions or aka healing crisis . Takpe Mak , takpe , bagus tu! maknanya badan tengah kena cuci . She tanya habis apa dia nak buat . I told her teruskan and NOT TO STOP . Bila dah hilang nanti mak just naikkan the dose dua kali ganda yaa . Like an obedient child she just ikut , sebab she kata she just nak sihat walau apa pun . She increased the dose on her own accord after that and she experienced excruciating pains ....." pinggang mak macam nak putus ni! ". Takpe mak , takpe ...mak gandakan lagi the dose pun elok . Then , she kata dada dia pulak sakit sangat . We repeated the routine of increasing the dose if nak cepat baik . Lepas tu she called again katanya dada dia macam nak pecah . Takpe mak ! bagus tu , bagus bagus...sangat bagus , badan nak pulih insyaallah 👏👏👏👏. Kali ni aku kena marah . " Engkau nak suruh mak mati ke ?? pinggang nak putus , bagus .....dada nak pecah , bagus ....naikkan naikkan lagi ! nanti naik lagi naik lagi , kalau aku mati pun kau kata bagus ! Dah tiba poin she tak tahan . I told her if she tak tahan , she boleh amik ubat doktor atau kurangkan the dose . She refused either , she kata she nak get it over and done with . So cepat lah habis the first set , and we sent another set totalling to three sets in the first month . She was quiet for a while , I pun takut nak call her .
My father pulak call , masa mak dah senyap . He tanya apa benda yang aku bagi mak makan . "Kenapa bah ?" . " Mak kau dah jadi macam hulk ! habis pokok2 keliling rumah ditebas , besi2 / barabg2 buruk kat bawah rumah pun habis dikemas nya , tak duduk diam " Wow , subhanallah .
Then one morning , very early I got a hamd -delivered letter from my mom . Zaman tu there's no such thing as sending SMS , let alone whatsapps . The letter that made me feel ever so wonderful of my best feelings I have ever had in my life .
It began with :
Assalamualaikum anaknada Lin yang di kasihi ,
Mak nak ucapkan terimakasih banyak2 kepada Lin . Dah lama mak tak rasa macamni . Lepas makan ubat yang Lin hantar tu badan mak rasa ringan sangat . ......mak tak tau macamana nak cakap . Terima kasih banyak2 ya .....
Best kann surat ni . Pagitu aku ada appointment to buat demo for the MLM product I was involved in Bersemangat gilerr lepas dapat surat yang begitu bermakna . Imagine .mak mengucapkan terima kasih from the bottom of her heart . So pagi tu aku berjalan menuju ke-bus stop dengan stride lain macam , senyum pun beaming bercahaya , can feel the joy that words can't explain ......even the cumbersome products yang selalunya rasa berat , pagitu tak rasa langsung......
Pernah dengar tak orang kata bila you feel good , you will attract good . Well true enough ...I met my first leader downline at the bus-stop pagi tu . And dorang bukan sebarangan punya leaders ( husband and wife ). Will tell you tomorrow punya entry insyaallah.
It's 4.38am.....nak tahajjud , sahur , masak bubor abah .....byeee
6 Ramadhan 1441 H
Alhamdulillah , three months after I was introduced to Lingzhi my mom was the blessed soul to be the first in our family to get the taste of it .....the pre-stroke was a blessing im disguise , the doorway that was to open into a new arena to the major part of my life till today , 25 years later.
She was so happy when the parcel reached her , the Jiahor Twinpack . She couldn't wait . She called to inform that she was going to start off immediately ...6 capsules of the Jiahor Lingzhi and 12 capsules of the pollen . That was my first experience ever , with the product . She was the first to taste .That was fine with me ,I had no doubts whatseoever . Somehow I had faith in it.
The very next morning , very early too I got a call . Lepas she took the capsules malam tu she tak boleh tidur , demam temperture panas dan badan rasa sejuk menggigil . She called it demam malam .and it took place for three nights in a row .She persisted without telling me , knowing what was happening .......Pada hari yang ke 4 .Mak kata pinggang dia sakit sangat sangat . Ahhh so ....good good Mak . Orang yang jual tu dah kata nanti ada tindakbalas , the vertigo reactions or aka healing crisis . Takpe Mak , takpe , bagus tu! maknanya badan tengah kena cuci . She tanya habis apa dia nak buat . I told her teruskan and NOT TO STOP . Bila dah hilang nanti mak just naikkan the dose dua kali ganda yaa . Like an obedient child she just ikut , sebab she kata she just nak sihat walau apa pun . She increased the dose on her own accord after that and she experienced excruciating pains ....." pinggang mak macam nak putus ni! ". Takpe mak , takpe ...mak gandakan lagi the dose pun elok . Then , she kata dada dia pulak sakit sangat . We repeated the routine of increasing the dose if nak cepat baik . Lepas tu she called again katanya dada dia macam nak pecah . Takpe mak ! bagus tu , bagus bagus...sangat bagus , badan nak pulih insyaallah 👏👏👏👏. Kali ni aku kena marah . " Engkau nak suruh mak mati ke ?? pinggang nak putus , bagus .....dada nak pecah , bagus ....naikkan naikkan lagi ! nanti naik lagi naik lagi , kalau aku mati pun kau kata bagus ! Dah tiba poin she tak tahan . I told her if she tak tahan , she boleh amik ubat doktor atau kurangkan the dose . She refused either , she kata she nak get it over and done with . So cepat lah habis the first set , and we sent another set totalling to three sets in the first month . She was quiet for a while , I pun takut nak call her .
My father pulak call , masa mak dah senyap . He tanya apa benda yang aku bagi mak makan . "Kenapa bah ?" . " Mak kau dah jadi macam hulk ! habis pokok2 keliling rumah ditebas , besi2 / barabg2 buruk kat bawah rumah pun habis dikemas nya , tak duduk diam " Wow , subhanallah .
Then one morning , very early I got a hamd -delivered letter from my mom . Zaman tu there's no such thing as sending SMS , let alone whatsapps . The letter that made me feel ever so wonderful of my best feelings I have ever had in my life .
It began with :
Assalamualaikum anaknada Lin yang di kasihi ,
Mak nak ucapkan terimakasih banyak2 kepada Lin . Dah lama mak tak rasa macamni . Lepas makan ubat yang Lin hantar tu badan mak rasa ringan sangat . ......mak tak tau macamana nak cakap . Terima kasih banyak2 ya .....
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Best kann surat ni . Pagitu aku ada appointment to buat demo for the MLM product I was involved in Bersemangat gilerr lepas dapat surat yang begitu bermakna . Imagine .mak mengucapkan terima kasih from the bottom of her heart . So pagi tu aku berjalan menuju ke-bus stop dengan stride lain macam , senyum pun beaming bercahaya , can feel the joy that words can't explain ......even the cumbersome products yang selalunya rasa berat , pagitu tak rasa langsung......
Pernah dengar tak orang kata bila you feel good , you will attract good . Well true enough ...I met my first leader downline at the bus-stop pagi tu . And dorang bukan sebarangan punya leaders ( husband and wife ). Will tell you tomorrow punya entry insyaallah.
It's 4.38am.....nak tahajjud , sahur , masak bubor abah .....byeee
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