The First Time I ever heard of Shuanghor ; PROSPECTING

2.10am Friday 24/4/20
1 Ramadhan 1441H

In 1993 I was alao a very dedicated tuition teacher ......I taught from morning to night at home and otherwise . One morning on a Monday I got a call from a stranger , a Chinese lady who introduced herself as Karen. She wanted to meet me , that was the 1st time ever in my life that anyone had mentioned to me the word SHUANGHOR  . Honestly I wasn't irritated or anything like that ..tapi at the samae time I was too busy with my tuition classes . She got my contact no from her next-door neighbour who was an income-tax officer , Puan Laili . Puan Laili was the kind soul who granted me the permission to do a demo of the MLM product that I was selling then , in LHDN on a Friday . I used to do this to the ladies in the government sector because they would have a long lunch break .

I rejected Karen's request that first time. To that she asked nicely bila yang I free . I just cakap sebenarnya I tak tau sebab my tuition classes memang back-to-back every single day of the week . She tak give up lagi , walupun tak pushy ( tak terasa pun dia pushy ).She asked nicely if she could try calling again same time the following Monday . She did , but I had to decline again. She asked if she could try again the next Monday . Selepas 3 minggu berturut2 di hubungi dengan cara yang sopan I began to think of how I would feel if I were in her shoes , being an MLMer myself . So I finally decided to let her the opportunuty to present , with the promise that there would be no strings attached ,,,,,,NO OBLIGATIONS whatsoever , lagipun I was at that time already so very committed to my one-and-only LASY m which I tak akan menduakan.

So the appontment was set for the following Monday , the fourth week after her first attempt . I will share our first date in the next entry insyaallah.

Kejap lagi nak prepare for our first sahur for this Ramadhan

written on day 38 lockdown 


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